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February 13, 2021

Spring is in the air

It feels like a long winter. Christmas came and went in a quiet, cosy haze of over eating, binge watching Netflix and scrabble tournaments. No family parties or catching up with friends, but the prospect of weeks and perhaps months of Lockdown 3 ahead. Now though, the days are stretching out and the extra daylight minutes are so welcoming. Bird song is louder and green shoots are pushing up through the soil regardless of the frozen earth. I feel like hibernation is over and with all the spring flowers appearing in the shops, it’s time to get creative with the early Spring flowers.

Hellebores and snow days

My garden hellebores are struggling to make an appearance with the recent snow so the garden centre is a good option for acquiring some seasonal flowers for photography and afterwards, I can plant them in the garden ready for next year.

Having the snow arrive at the end of January was a day of excitement and a welcome break in the monotony of all the grey skies and rain.

I love muscari and my local garden centre has been selling bunches that I found too hard to resist. Mine won’t be flowering in the garden until  March, but there’s something so hopeful about that delicate bluebell hue on a winters day.

The catkins are the prettiest in mid February. A true reminder of Spring around the corner.

Tulips are so hard to resist the moment they appear in the shops and it feels like a weekly treat to buy a bunch in the supermarket. Instant cheer on the kitchen table. I planted so many in the Autumn, but find it hard to wait till they appear in April and May.

Flatlays and tulips

There’s nothing more optimistic than Spring flowers on the window sill. So goodbye winter, I do love all the cosiness and candlelight, but I’m more than ready to look ahead to sunnier days and new shoots.

I hope you are staying safe and well in these days of uncertainty.

Janne x

Floral Styling and photography

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